How attitudes can harm the professional image of UX/UI Designers
I want this job. Really?
As we mentioned in our article How to fail in selective processes for UX/UI Designers, a selection process requires your full attention. It's not about being X type of UX/UI Designer and wanting Y type of job; But to wildly apply for any opportunity that comes along, without having understood the proposal in order to have a real interest. Therefore, it is preferable that you select a few (only those that really have a match with your profile) and invest time, dedication and specific preparation for them. When you understand the importance and size of the dedication expected for an effective candidacy, you should think about a crucial point:
How badly do you want this job?
Going beyond technical skills, we must consider that people are very different from each other. The decision-making indicators for the interest of a UX/UI Designer to work in a given company can be very varied: The financial proposal, the benefits offered, the visibility and “glamor” of the position, the culture with collaborators, the products themselves, and more. At this point, there is no right and wrong: You just have to put these indicators on the table, define the relevance of each one to your profile and professional objective, and build a decision based on this analysis.
The bad news is that this mindset is underutilized by most candidates. While companies have invested heavily in opening up vacancies for UX/UI Designers, we repeatedly see the dropout phenomenon happen — whether during the process or after they have already been selected, professionals choose to break with the opportunity, leaving a huge void in their expectations and company planning.
Oh, I don't want any more
Imagine a scenario where you receive positive feedback from a selection, being notified that you have been selected for a vacancy. Yey! After much celebration, preparation and taking the necessary decisions and actions to start your activities (such as leaving your current job, moving to another city, etc.), you receive an unexpected return from the contracting company saying that the vacancy no longer exists, and that your hiring has been cancelled. Immediately, the feeling is one of indignation, frustration and disappointment, right? Because these are exactly the feelings that a company feels when a candidate gives up the vacancy. I list below the most common cases that motivate such withdrawals:
I didn't really want to
As is well known, candidates tend to apply to many vacancies without even reading their descriptions carefully. Therefore, if they are selected, it is clear that the company considers a genuine interest in the vacancy and continues the process, already expressing the reciprocal interest in their profile. The longer it takes for the candidate to be frank and notify that in fact there is no real interest, the worse it will be for the company to make a right decision and conclude the selection process.
The selection process is very demanding
I was selected by another company
This is the most problematic case. As candidates tend to participate simultaneously in several selection processes, among several offers, one is the favorite. But if the positive news comes first from another vacancy (which is also interesting, just not as much as the ideal vacancy), for fear of losing the offer, they accept it. Shortly afterwards, the positive result of the ideal vacancy also comes, making the candidate, without blinking, abandon the vacancy he had already accepted. By this time the company had already drawn up plans, made preparations and created high expectations, so its loss and frustration will be inevitable.
In this case, the best thing to do is to make clear your participation in other selection processes — Without a doubt, it is better for the contractor to be aware of your real moment soon (so that he can anticipate and deal with this situation as he sees fit), than to be surprised with an abrupt withdrawal.
The Silent Harm
Consider that in allIn these scenarios mentioned above there is a “silent damage”: Such attitudes can be highly harmful to your professional image. As much as the UX market is in fact growing at an accelerated pace, we are still talking about a small market, where many contractors know many other contractors, and certainly, they talk to each other about their selection processes in search of recommendations and indications. Therefore, they are small losses that you may be accumulating, which in the not so distant future, may become barriers to the next big step in your career.
According to our article Find your own professional value, companies are not only looking for capable hands and minds, but committed people. If during the selection process the company finds signs that raise red flags about its reputation and credibility, accept it or not, these will be relevant indicators that will certainly play against you.
Transparency is key
If you are being contacted by several companies and recruiters at the same time, celebrate! This is a good sign: Your value proposition is convincing, your profile generates interest, your professional presentation matches your level, you were highly recommended, and more. In order for you to preserve your professional image and ensure the best possible behavior towards such contractors, always be sincere and transparent with everyone.
This transparency even involves knowing how to say no.
That's right: If you are not comfortable with the proposed selection process, or with the way you were approached, or are not really interested in the vacancy and/or the company, the best thing to do is immediately not accept it. Rest assured that a politely negative response from you will not be frowned upon by contractors. It's much better for the sincerity to say no, than for your indecision to become a problem that will hurt the company — and consequently, you.
Treat a selection process with due care. With the view that this is possibly the next step in your UX/UI Designer career, whether for vacancies that you receive proposals or that you apply on your own initiative, be transparent and sincere with everyone involved so that you reap positive results at each decision made.